Joined the Board of Directors of the Club des ornithologues de Brome-Missisquoi (COBM)

Since November 2021 I am on the board of directors of COBM, the birding club for this region. It is a non-profit organization that brings together local people interested in ornithological activities. We do birding outings, conservation initiatives, awareness-raising, publish l’Info-Oiseaux journal, bird counts and other related activities.

This photo shows some of the members of our club with Mrs. Sylvie Beauregard the mayor of Cowansville where we inaugurated the new feeding station near the chalet of the Centre de la Nature. The installation of this feeding station is part of the conservation initiatives of the COBM and will be enjoyed by visitors to the park.

For more information on COBM see the website or the COBM facebook page.


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