Point Pelee & Rondeau

I visited to Leamington this spring to be right in the action for the spring bird migration. I was only there for 4 days including 2 days of travel and the weather was cold a wet.  I did see some great birds and also met up with some great birders – other members of my local birding club COBM who were also there for the spring migration. A big thank you goes out to the club members for coordinating, doing outings together and sharing the knowledge.

This area north of Lake Erie is a migration funnel for birds crossing the great lakes.  It was my first time to Rondeau Provincial Park and third time to Point Pelee. Overall I recorded 72 bird species may 3, 4 and 5th. I also attended a presentation on Sparrow ID with Sarah Rupert which reminded how much I have to learn about identifying sparrows!

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