Bird Hike Report May 5, 2018

2 Locations: PENS Val Sutton trail and the pond at Domain Gagné

Saturday May 5th, 2018 7am-10am
Number in group: 7
Bird species: 13

We did our first Bird hike of the season last Saturday. Friday night was very windy and knocked down trees in the village and on the trail. It was only 4 degrees in the morning and the birds were very quiet. There were no warblers or thrushes singing yet, so maybe not arrived or maybe just too cold. But only 2 days later (Monday) the black throated green warblers were present!

We started by walking down to the Val Sutton area and heard, then saw, a yellow bellied sapsucker pecking at a tree. A few crows flew over and we also saw a blue Jay and some American goldfinches. Then we headed into the woods walking towards Lac Spruce. I saw a bird fly into some bushes but then I lost it. Rebecca spotted it then we checked with binoculars. It was a cold and tired white throated sparrow. It did not make a sound and hardly moved but we all got a good look. It was still perched in the same spot when we finally moved on. We also saw some Black Capped Chickadees and heard a White Breasted Nuthatch. That’s it for the first week. Next week I expect a lot of migrating birds to be back and hopefully its warmer! We finished at 9:30 on the mountain and I invited the group to follow me down to the pond at Domaine Gagné where I saw an American Robin, a Chipping Sparrow and a Great Blue Heron before even entering the pond area. Then around the pond there was a Common Yellowthroat (first Warbler of the season! Did not get a good view of it but heard it clearly) some grackles and I heard a ruby crowned Kinglet.

Please come Saturday at 7am at the PENS ticket booth. All are welcome. $5 for PENS Member $10 for non-members.

Val Sutton:

  • Yellow Bellied Sapsucker/ Pick Maculé
  • Blue Jay / Jay Bleu
  • American Goldfinch / Chardonneret
  • American Crow 2 / Corneille d’Amerique Trail (Lake spruce):
  • White Throated Sparrow / Bruant a gorge blanc
  • Blacked Capped Chickadee 2 / mésange
  • White Breasted Nuthatch / citele à poitrine blanche Domaine Gagné pond
  • American Robin / Merle D’Amerique
  • Chipping Sparrow / Bruant familier
  • Great Blue Heron / Grand Héron
  • Common Yellowthroat / Paruline Masqué
  • Common Grackle / Quiscale bronzé
  • Ruby crowned Kinglet / Roitelet à couronne rubis

We did our first Bird hike of the season last Saturday. Friday night was very windy and knocked down trees in the village and on the trail. It was only 4 degrees in the morning and the birds were very quiet. There were no warblers or thrushes singing yet, so maybe not arrived or maybe just too cold. But only 2 days later (Monday) the black throated green warblers were present!

We started by walking down to the Val Sutton area and heard, then saw, a yellow bellied sapsucker pecking at a tree. A few crows flew over and we also saw a blue Jay and some American goldfinches. Then we headed into the woods walking towards Lac Spruce. I saw a bird fly into some bushes but then I lost it. Rebecca spotted it then we checked with binoculars. It was a cold and tired white throated sparrow. It did not make a sound and hardly moved but we all got a good look. It was still perched in the same spot when we finally moved on. We also saw some Black Capped Chickadees and heard a White Breasted Nuthatch. That’s it for the first week. Next week I expect a lot of migrating birds to be back and hopefully its warmer! We finished at 9:30 on the mountain and I invited the group to follow me down to the pond at Domaine Gagné where I saw an American Robin, a Chipping Sparrow and a Great Blue Heron before even entering the pond area. Then around the pond there was a Common Yellowthroat (first Warbler of the season! Did not get a good view of it but heard it clearly) some grackles and I heard a ruby crowned Kinglet.

Please come Saturday at 7am at the PENS ticket booth. All are welcome. $5 for PENS Member $10 for non-members.

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