We had a dynamic group this morning with many regulars and a family of 4 that came for the first time (father, twin daughters and grandmother).  There was some confusion about binoculars and twins which resulted in me learning something new about the difference between...

It was the first group hike of the season for me. I was very excited to start this series of outings and was not disappointed. The birds were singing like crazy, many species at a time, and it was so fun picking out the different...

It was a rather cold morning. However we were four enthusiastic birders and we observed a total of 29 species in and around the Goyette-Hill park.  Canada Goose Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) Mourning Dove American Bittern Pileated Woodpecker Alder Flycatcher Eastern Phoebe Great Crested Flycatcher Eastern Kingbird Warbling Vireo Red-eyed Vireo Blue Jay American Crow Common Raven Black-capped Chickadee Tree Swallow Gray...

We had a pleasant Saturday morning hike rewarded with the idyllic, lake spruce. On the way up to the lake we learned mnemonics to the songs of the black-eyed blue warbler, the ovenbird, the red eyed vireo and the black-throated green warbler. As we approached...

Our outing on Sunday evening included 3 kids - it is great to get the young ones excited about birds. I chose to stay in the village, checking for birds between the curling club and the train tracks on rue Pleasant/215  and on the bike...

The magnolia warbler was the star of our activity this Sunday morning at the Mont Pinacle. Some of our group who were beginning birders might have been overwhelmed by the number of warblers species that were present, but it really was a treat for me...

We had a beautiful morning listening to birdsong around Sutton school and on the Village-Mountain trail. I met Kelly and her class of about 24 students in the school yard at 8:30.  After a quick workshop on using binoculars we took a stroll around the...

It was a great pleasure to participated in the Christmas Bird Count for the first time this year. I had heard about the Christmas Bird Count but honestly did not think I would see any interesting birds in the middle of winter.  I generally concentrate...

Early risers such as Sutton market merchants might have seen a group of six cold and wet birders roaming the streets of Sutton this morning.  We were a smiling group, peering into trees with interest, inching close to people's yards and trudging through schoolyards.  We...

It was a beautiful, sunny Saturday morning for birding and I had the goal of reaching lac spruce. In the past 5 years I've never reached lac spruce in these hikes as 3 hours is just not long enough to get there and back with...