Birding with Sutton School: 3e Année

We had a beautiful morning listening to birdsong around Sutton school and on the Village-Mountain trail. I met Kelly and her class of about 24 students in the school yard at 8:30.  After a quick workshop on using binoculars we took a stroll around the playgrounds and from the upper playground we accessed the hiking trail.  The kids were interested and well-behaved, taking long pauses in silence to listen to the sounds around us.  We heard and/or saw the following birds species – click on the link to read more about each bird.

    1. Eastern Phoebe
    2. Blue Jay
    3. American Crow
    4. Black-capped Chickadee
    5. White-breasted Nuthatch
    6. Winter Wren
    7. Hermit Thrush
    8. American Robin
    9. Chipping Sparrow
    10. Song Sparrow
    11. Black-and-white Warbler
    12. Northern Cardinal


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