Bird Hike Report May 19, 2018

PENS Val Sutton trail

7 degrees c.

13 species
4 hikers.

The leaves are just starting to come out on the mountain so it still easy to spot birds, though in the village the leaves are almost fully out. We walked down the road to Val Sutton, then continued down the Val Sutton Trail. We were looking and listening for the American Redstart seen near the river the day before. Didn’t see the Redstart. But on the way down a Dark Eyed Junco perched for us on an electrical wire. We could hear the Black-throated blue warblers around us but did not get a good view of one this week. As we entered the forest a song sparrow was singing and we got a good view in the binoculars. Once in the woods we went on a search for the Ovenbird which has a loud song (Teacher, Teacher, Teacher!) and we were able to find it after a lot of patience. We saw a black and white warbler, a black-throated green warbler and were working on identifying a Vireo when a Blackburnian Warbler with is its bright orange breast flew into view! We all got a good look then it continued on its way. We headed to the field on le Vieux Chemin and were rewarded with the song of the Common Yellowthroat.

Next week we are meeting at the ticket booth at 7am again then for the next two weeks after that at Hotel Horizon. So come meet s at the Ticket boot next Saturday at 7am. I am thinking of heading up the mountain on the Vogel trail to see if the Canada Warbler is nesting there again this year.

  • American Goldfinch / Chardonneret d’Amérique
  • American Robin / Merle d’amerique
  • Black-and-white Warbler / paruline noir et blanc
  • Black-capped Chickadee / Mésange à tête noire
  • Black-throated Blue Warbler / Paruline bleue
  • Black-throated Green Warbler / Paruline noire et blanc
  • Blackburnian Warbler / Paruline à gorge orangé
  • Common Yellowthroat / Paruline masquée
  • Dark-eyed Junco / Junco ardoisé
  • Ovenbird / paruline couronnée
  • Red-eyed Vireo / vireo aux yeux rouge
  • Ruby-crowned Kinglet / Roitelet a couronne rubi
  • Song Sparrow / Bruant chanteur

The leaves are just starting to come out on the mountain so it still easy to spot birds, though in the village the leaves are almost fully out. We walked down the road to Val Sutton, then continued down the Val Sutton Trail. We were looking and listening for the American Redstart seen near the river the day before. Didn’t see the Redstart. But on the way down a Dark Eyed Junco perched for us on an electrical wire. We could hear the Black-throated blue warblers around us but did not get a good view of one this week. As we entered the forest a song sparrow was singing and we got a good view in the binoculars. Once in the woods we went on a search for the Ovenbird which has a loud song (Teacher, Teacher, Teacher!) and we were able to find it after a lot of patience. We saw a black and white warbler, a black-throated green warbler and were working on identifying a Vireo when a Blackburnian Warbler with is its bright orange breast flew into view! We all got a good look then it continued on its way. We headed to the field on le Vieux Chemin and were rewarded with the song of the Common Yellowthroat.

Next week we are meeting at the ticket booth at 7am again then for the next two weeks after that at Hotel Horizon. So come meet s at the Ticket boot next Saturday at 7am. I am thinking of heading up the mountain on the Vogel trail to see if the Canada Warbler is nesting there again this year.

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